Argentina – CEADS

What is your country’s government doing with respect to the SDGs and how have they engaged business around this agenda?

The national government mandated the Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales (CNCPS) as the office in charge to prioritizing certain SDGs in accordance with the government’s initiative “Poverty Zero” focusing on eliminating poverty in Argentina.

In April 2016, CNCPS coordinated and convened a National inter-institutional Commission for the implementation and follow-up of the SDGs, which involved all ministries. This Commission initiated a process of adapting the prioritized SDGs through six working groups. The result of this created the basis for monitoring progress towards the achievement of the SDGs in line with the national objectives. This online platform was created to help monitor progress.

CNCPS also assists the provincial governments in their efforts to adapt the SDGs to the provincial reality, offering technical support in each of the stages of this process. As part of this, CNCPS prepared a Guide for the SDG Adaptation Process by the Provincial Governments, offering tools that help the provincial technical teams to achieve their respective objectives.

Moreover, CNCPS encourages business to incorporate the SDGs into strategic planning, participates in networks and business chambers, and other public-private platforms linked to the 2030 Agenda. They developed this document which aims to provide guidance about the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs and makes the business case for companies to take action. It also provides tools and suggestions to help business align their strategies with the SDGs in a simple and effective way.

What are some of the key trends with regard to how business is engaging with the SDGs in your country?

Key trends in Argentina include:

  • The challenges include the integration of SDGs into business strategy and plans and to align and develop targets and indicators related to SDG targets;
  • Considering the educational situation of the country, SDG 4 is one of the most contributed due to the private sector’s commitment to education (see report 2017);
  • Due to high levels of road accidents and deaths, SDG 3 and more specifically target 3.6 are key priorities by the automotive and insurance sectors;
  • Argentine businesses’ focus and prioritization is related to SDG 8 and 12;
  • 54% of the alliances regarding argentine business interactions are with NGOs;
  • There is high level of interest in extending engagement opportunities and interactions among members of CEADS.

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What is your organization doing with respect to the SDGs?

At CEADS, we are encouraging our member companies to integrate the SDG agenda to their core business, using the SDG Compass. We have been offering training courses and capacity building meetings since 2015. These courses focus on the 2030 Agenda as a whole, how to develop impact indicators for specific SDGs and provide an opportunity for sharing best practice from within our membership.

We also launched a Program called “Connecting the Private Sector with the SDGs” in alliance with EY Argentina. In this case, we have been inviting CEADS members to share their approach of aligning with the SDGs. We have analyzed their case studies and made them available on a special online platform which was developed for this project. At the end of each year we publish a report which contains the analysis of private sector’s contribution to the SDGs (2017 Report). We presented this report to our members in an open meeting. Key contributions include:

  • 101 best practice examples;
  • 16 out of 17 SDGs are being directly contributed to;
  • 89 targets out of 169 are being addressed; and 69% of these targets are considered national priorities;
  • Most business focus and action are on SDG 4 and 12.

The next report is expected to be launched in November 2018. Our analysis is showing SDG 8 and 12 are particularly considered with respect to: development of productive activities, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, through access to financial services (target 8.3); achieve full and productive and equal pay for work of equal value (target 8.5); reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training (target 8.6); sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources (target 12.2); reduce waste generation (target 12.5).

CEADS also participates in private sector and governmental dialogues related to the SDG agenda and we deliver written pieces of work for the media. We have developed some insights about interlinkages between the SDGs and the B20 agenda for the Energy, Resource Efficiency & Sustainability and the Sustainable Food System Task Forces.

We are helping the Buenos Aires City Government, Ministry of Education in strengthening a tool for teachers called “Global Citizenship” to contribute to SDG 4.

To enhance the alignment and consistency between companies and government contributions, we are working together with the Secretary of Agroindustry to exchange experiences about developing targets and indicators for SDG2 and SDG target 12.3. and. Finally, we are engaged in the National Programme to Reduce Food Loss and Waste, led by the Secretary of Agroindustry, raising awareness and promoting concrete actions within our member companies.

In 2019, we will work on developing an SDG sector roadmap for oil & gas companies, based on the WBCSD SDG Roadmap Guidelines.

In December 2020, we launched with EY Argentina the fifth edition of our comprehensive platform showcasing corporate initiatives and strategies that are directly aligned with the SDGs.

More information

Websites:  Argentine Government, SDG National Prioritizations , Argentina & United Nations, Argentine Voluntary Report and CEADS

Contact: Ana Muro, Coordinadora del Área de Sociedad y Empresa


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