Culture|2030 Indicators
Who’s behind it? – UNESCO
How can it help? – The Culture|2030 indicators is a framework of thematic indicators whose purpose is to measure and monitor the progress of culture’s enabling contribution to the national and local implementation of the Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, both as a sector of activity, and transversally across other sectors. Culture is explicitly referenced in Target 11.4, ‘Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage,’ for which the globally agreed upon indicator 11.4.1 will be elaborated and reported by UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS).Â
By strengthening the transversal visibility of culture in the 2030 Agenda, the Culture|2030 Indicators will help build a coherent and strong narrative on culture and development that is evidence-based and would help decision makers.
While relying in priority on national statistical institutes, the Culture|2030 Indicators will seek to bring together a variety of data sources, including from different ministries, observatories and public agencies, information systems for culture, specific barometers, specific national and regional surveys, and professional volunteer organization. The project will also support countries to enhance existing data within the UNESCO Culture Conventions periodic reports as well as the cultural data produced by UIS.