Accelerating Impact: Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through Investing
Who’s behind it? – RobecoSAM
How can it help? – SDG has become one of the most popular acronym in an already crowded sustainability vernacular. While (S)ustainable (D)evelopment (G)oals sound impressively comprehensive, they can leave you puzzled.
What are these new directives that have taken the development world by storm and captured the attention of both business heads and government chiefs?
Why are they garnering so much attention? What makes them different from other international development initiatives for business, sustainability and investing?
In this report “Accelerating Impact: Advancing Sustainable Development Goals through Investing”, RobecoSAM’s Senior Sustainability Research Analyst, Francis Condon addresses what SDGs mean for sustainable investment managers like Robeco and RobecoSAM. He presents some of the challenges involved in their implementation in client portfolios and concludes:
- Investing in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) connects financial returns with social, environmental, and economic contributions,
- Current sustainability products make clear contributions to the SDGs,
- SDGs will strengthen and enhance our approach to sustainable investing and offer new possibilities for product development.