Projecting Progress: Reaching the SDGs by 2030
Who’s behind it? – Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
How can it help? – This report, presented here as an interactive microsite, offers the first systematic attempt to project progress across the full Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) agenda, showing where – if current trends continue – the world will be in 15 years’ time. It gathers together projections to provide a ‘scorecard’ for 17 critical SDG targets – one for each goal. The scorecard reveals how much faster progress will need to be, classing targets as needing ‘reform’, ‘revolution’ and ‘reversal’. In particular, targets linked to waste, inequality, cities, climate change and oceans are perceived as needing a complete reversal of current trends if progress in line with the SDGs is to be achieved. The report also provides a useful window into the scale of the challenge that each SDG represents and the level of systems transformation that will be required to achieve progress in particular areas. While this study is based on global predictions, it also provides insight into regional variations and the challenges facing different geographies. The site also provides access to a number of interactive resources and videos to help deepen understanding of the current status of global development.