Better Business, Better World
Who’s behind it? – Business & Sustainable Development Commission
How can it help? –
The Business and Sustainable Development Commission (BSDC) was launched in January 2016. It brings together leaders from business, finance, civil society, labor, and international organizations, with the twin aims of mapping the economic prize that could be available to business if the Global Goals are achieved, and describing how business can contribute to achieving them.
In January 2017, the BSDC launched its flagship Better Business Better World report which demonstrates a compelling case for how pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) could raise trillions in new market opportunities in ways that extend prosperity to all. It identifies key actions business leaders can take to capture their share of the prize and set the world on the path to a sustainable, inclusive economy.
The link below provides access to the report’s microsite which contains the full report as well as executive summaries in a range of different languages including Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.
The site also provides links to a number of case studies that the BSDC has identified of companies working to unlock the potential of the SDGs.