In search of impact – Measuring the full value of capital: Update: The Cambridge Impact Framework

Who’s behind it? – Investment Leaders Group (ILG)


How can it help? – This report is developed by the Investment Leaders Group (ILG), a network of 10 leading investment managers and asset owners. It aims to help the investment industry empower savers to understand the impact of their investments on the critical challenges of our generation and to invest in line with their world views.

This report provides a framework that enables investors to calculate and communicate the social and environmental impacts of their portfolios using a simplified set of six environmental and social themes relevant to investors. As its starting point it uses the SDGs and converts them through a careful process of clustering, prioritization and simplification into a set of six impact metrics for investors.

The framework targets the beneficiaries of investment – individual savers and investors, pension funds, insurance companies, family offices, sovereign funds and all other forms of asset owner – who will be empowered to make up their own minds as to whether their money is doing harm or good, and allocate it in line with their beliefs and values.

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