Is the 2030 Agenda at the Center of Global Discourse?
Who’s behind it? – Together 2030
How can it help? –  The civil society initiative Together 2030 has reviewed government statements on sustainable development, as delivered during the General Debate of the 72nd Session of UN General Assembly (UNGA). The report finds a prevalence of strong political will in support of 2030 Agenda, taking the form of measures such as mobilizing finance and strengthening global partnerships.
The report ‘Is the 2030 Agenda at the Center of Global Discourse? A Review of Statements delivered during the United Nations 72nd General Assembly General Debate (18-23 September 2017),’ analyzes 166 statements of Heads of State and Government and other government representatives, 87% of which, or 144 countries, referred to the 2030 Agenda or SDGs at least once.