A Guide to SDG Interactions: From Science to Implementation
Who’s behind it? – the International Council for Science
How can it help? – This paper from the International Council for Science explores in detail the nature of the interlinkages that exist between the SDGs. Focusing its analysis around SDG2, SDG3, SDG7 and SDG14, it investigates and evaluates the degree of linkage that exists between each of these goals and the other 17, ultimately pointing to high levels of inter-dependence and connectivity. The report emphasises the point that a scientific analysis of these various interactions (an approach which in currently under-utilized) has an important role to play in supporting coherent and effective decision-making with regard to the goals. Fostering an understanding of possible trade-offs as well as synergistic relations between the different SDGs, it argues, is crucial for achieving long-lasting sustainable development outcomes.
The report’s detailed analysis serves as a useful reference point for any company looking to enhance its understanding of how the goals are interconnected and how its activities have wider implications on the SDG agenda as a whole.