BCtA Impact Lab

Who’s behind it? – Business Call to Action (BCtA)


How can it help? – The BCtA Impact Lab is a platform for inclusive businesses to better measure and manage their social and environmental impact. It covers the full impact measurement cycle to support companies in understanding, demonstrating, enhancing and communicating their impact.

This online tool goes through the impact measurement process over four distinct modules. It is a step by step process that covers defining your vision and goals; identifying the right tools for measurement; designing your own impact framework; sourcing and collecting data; and analyzing your company’s impact.

The first module assesses your motivation and capacity for impact measurement and management. The second module guides you to describe your Impact Value Chain and analyze your impact goals by considering aspects such as Who, What, How Much, Contribution, Risk and Business Value. The third module assists you in selecting relevant metrics and decision-making questions that can help you enhance and scale your impact. In the final module, you will be able to collect, report and monitor data on selected indicators, and thereafter, communicate and share results with your stakeholders and other inclusive businesses.


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