Business and the SDGs : A survey of WBCSD members and Global Network partners
Who’s behind it? – WBCSD and DNV GL
How can it help? – WBCSD & DNV GL have conducted a global survey to explore trends around how business is currently working to align activities with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This survey drew responses from around 250 companies across 43 countries and four continents.
Key findings of the survey include the following:
- Business is engaged and sees the SDGs as a strategic opportunity, however challenges remain regarding integration
- Engagement and ownership is not yet part of core business
- SDG 13, 12 and 8 are the most common priority goals
- Lack of understanding of the business case is the biggest barrier to internal engagement on the SDGs
- Clarity on policy is needed to help companies commit
- Further integrating the SDGs into corporate strategy is a key ambition for companies moving forward