Financing the Sustainable Development Goals: Impact Investing in Action

Who’s behind it? – Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)


How can it help? – In order to truly contribute to the achievement of the Global Goals, impact investors must raise and direct new capital to address pressing social and environmental challenges such as ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

As the case studies in this report demonstrate, a handful of impact investors have begun to create products, raise capital, and make new investments that directly target progress toward the SDGs. Going beyond aligning and retroactively mapping impact to the SDGs, these investors proactively target and incorporate the goals at various stages of the investment cycle – during sourcing and due diligence, investment selection and structuring, investment management, and exit – thus making them the central focus. Of the levels of guidance provided by the SDGs – goals, targets, and indicators – impact investors notably have adapted all three for use in their work.

The investors featured in the report include: Blue like an Orange Capital, Incofin Investment Management, The Mirova Land Degradation Neutrality Fund project, PGGM, and Partners Group.

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