Integrating the SDGs into Corporate Reporting: A Practical Guide
Who’s behind it? – GRI and UNGC
How can it help? – This guide aims to help companies of all sizes to prioritize SDG targets to act and report on, set related business objectives, and measure and report on progress.
It follows an approach aligned with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards. It guides businesses to conduct a principled prioritization of relevant SDGs and targets for their business. This publication is part of the work of the Action Platform on Reporting on the SDGs and it was developed in close collaboration with partner organizations and businesses. GRI and the UN Global Compact received technical support from Shift and PwC and financial support from the Government of Sweden.
The publication is meant to be used together with other relevant tools released by GRI, the UN Global Compact and their partners as part of a company’s regular reporting cycle.
- Business Reporting on the SDGs: An Analysis of the Goals and Targets lists qualitative and quantitative disclosures for SDG targets that are likely to be relevant to businesses regardless of size, sector or operating location. It also lists illustrative actions that businesses can take to contribute to the achievement of the targets.
- In Focus: Addressing Investor Needs in Business Reporting on the SDGs provides additional information about investor-relevant aspects of corporate SDG reporting.