Practical guide for the contribution of public companies to the 2030 Agenda (in Spanish)
Who’s behind it? – Grupo de Acción de Responsabilidad Social (RSE) en empresas públicas and Forética
How can it help? – This Spanish language resource serves as a guide to advance in the integration of the SDGs into strategic decisions making of public companies. It aims to provide a self-diagnostic tool to analyze how companies are promoting their responsible management and define what future priorities should be to ensure Spain’s compliance with the SDGs.
It includes six key steps:
Step 1: Establishment of a commitment
Step 2: Materiality analysis and identification of the relevant SDGs
Step 3: Development of objectives of contribution to the SDGs and indicators for measurement
Step 4: Internal training and awareness
Step 5: Internal follow-up of the contribution to the SDGs
Step 6: Reporting and external communication