Reaching SDG 8: Challenges, Opportunities, Actions

Who’s behind it? – IOE, Deloitte, USCIB


How can it help? – Around the world, Employer and Business Organizations (EMBOs) are committed to engaging with national governments and the UN system to create the right framework conditions to achieve the SDGs. This engagement takes many forms, including awareness raising, capacity building, facilitating the creation of partnerships and engaging with governments for conducive framework conditions.

In preparation for the 2019 High-Level Political Forum, held in New York from 8-19 July, this report aims to outline what actions business, through the EMBOs, have taken to advance the SDGs. It analyses their activities and efforts and makes recommendations for ways to expand their engagement.

Additionally, the report takes a deep dive into SDG 8, which focuses on promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, integral and productive employment and decent work for all. Although engaging on all SDGs is essential for business, SDG 8 is at the heart of the EMBOs and business community as a whole.

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