Peru: Finding value in the transformation
Who’s behind it? – Perú 2021 and EY
How can it help? – Sustainable development is a global challenge, requiring concerted and immediate action. Clearly, for emerging economies, such as Peru, some of the challenges are significant. With the report “Perú: Encontrando valor en la transformación” (Peru: Finding value in the transformation) WBCSD’s global network partner Perú 2021 and EY outline challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in Peru, using the SDGs as the guiding umbrella for the country’s systemic transformation. The publication provides support to better understand and implement the 2030 agenda and provides simple examples of how business can act and contribute.
Circular economy, low-carbon development, technology and eco-efficiency, sustainable lifestyles and sustainable cities are among the priorities. Waste management alone presents a unique opportunity. 18’000 tons of trash are generated daily in Peru and more than 50% end up in dumps and rivers. Implementing circular economy concepts, such as recovery and reuse, could meaningfully alleviate this situation.
The report describes a 2030 vision for Peru, placing people and their respective development opportunities at the center. It emphasizes that business needs to transform and redefine its role in society, as the costs and risks of inaction already affect the viability of doing business. Business activity, investments and innovation are described at the great drivers of productivity, inclusive growth and job creation.