The SDGs (The Value for Europe)
Who’s behind it? – CSR Europe
How can it help? – This report by CSR Europe, leveraging research by partners Frost & Sullivan and GlobeScan, explores how European companies can grasp business growth opportunities arising from the SDGs. It takes an in-depth look at how the SDGs stand to create commercial value in Europe, and sizes the economic opportunity associated with a selection of goals (namely SDGs 4, 5, 7 and 11). while highlighting a number of case studies. A subsequent section of the report showcases finding from a recent survey of 160 European business leaders which outlines some of the key challemges that companies are facing as they look to align themselves strategically with the SDG agenda. In particular the survey highlights an important need for companies in the region to more deeply engage their middle management and employees to raise awareness and interest in the SDGs and unlocking relevant innovation.