Towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the UNECE region
Who’s behind it? – UNECE
How can it help? – UNECE’s Towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the UNECE region – A statistical portrait of progress and challenges report describes the levels and trends of selected indicators relevant for the region, and highlights measurement challenges. It reviews 49 indicators across all 17 SDGs. For most indicators, the report looks at change over recent years.
Key trends show that UNECE countries are fulfilling targets or making good progress in many areas including targets directly aimed at people, such as eradicating extreme poverty, covering the population with social protection, providing modern means for family planning, and having low levels of maternal, infant and child mortality; as well as actions geared towards preserving the planet – such as expanding forest cover, providing safely managed sanitation, lowering the energy intensity of the economy and complying with environmental agreements.
On the other hand, in areas such as air pollution, protection of marine areas, development assistance, and disaster-risk reduction strategies, more needs to be done to meet the targets.