The Good Life Goals as a tool to foster SDG engagement among employees

Mondi Group 

At Mondi, we believe ensuring long-term success requires unlocking the full potential of our people and nurturing their passion. This is why Mondi aims to promote a culture that encourages teams across the organization to be dynamic, entrepreneurial and empowered.

As part of this strategy, we launched the ‘Living the Good Life’ global campaign in May 2019 during our Make a Difference Day (MADD) under the motto ‘every one of us has the power to change the world’. Through this campaign we encouraged our employees to make personal commitments to ‘live the good life’, taking inspiration from the actions of the Good Life Goals.  

MADD took place across our locations in 33 countries. At this annual event, employees and contractors – as well as in some instances their families and students – participated in educational activities demonstrating how to stay safe and look after their health and the environment.

Spanning over 17 weeks (i.e. an actionable SDG per week), the campaign implemented the Good Life Goals to fulfil four key objectives:

  1. Inspire and engage our people
    • We strive to inspire and engage our employees to make a personal commitment to make the world and our environment a better place.
  2. Spread awareness on the SDGs
    • The campaign successfully familiarized a wider audience (Mondi-wide) with the SDG Agenda.

  3. Highlight our power as drivers for change at individual level
    • The Good Life Goals enabled us to highlight the vital role of individual action in achieving the ambitions of SDGs.
  4. Give a purpose
    • The campaign supported Mondi‘s strategic objective to be an ’Employer of choice‘, by engaging and inspiring employees who are in search of an organization that is purpose-driven and contributing to the greater good of society.

“The Good Life Goals were created to bridge the gap between the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the sustainable lifestyles movement. Their aim is to help inspire enthusiasm, connection and action from the public. By linking each sustainable development goal with sustainable behaviours, the Good Life Goals can help us all to contribute to a better world.”

Susan Brunner, Senior Sustainability Positioning Manager at Mondi

Information on the campaign was shared through planetmondi (the group’s intranet), reusing and adapting the Good Life Goals materials (videos, post cards, posters and actions) translated in 11 languages, to maximize reach among our employees and impact of the campaign both internally and on our social media channels. More than 650 postcard sets were distributed internally and at recruitment fairs. Some of our plants even made site-level commitments, for instance through initiatives to reduce unnecessary plastic waste by using compostable and biodegradable disposable food boxes, coffee and water cups made from plant starch.

Communication was central to the success of the campaign. Through our internal channels (TV screens, elevators, posters, and intranet postings) as well as social media channels and the Twitter hashtag #MondiLivingTheGoodLife, we kept a strong engagement along the 17 weeks of the campaign. Internally, we received 35 video commitments, in which our employees selected the Goal(s) of their choice and briefly explained how they are going to change their own personal behaviour and habits to reach their goals, be it eating less meat, conserving water, or sustainable fashion. At the end of the campaign all videos were uploaded and shared on planetmondi and individual emails to each participants with a link to their video.

The Good Life Goals proved to be an impactful, cost-efficient and easy tool to inspire and engage with our employees in line with Mondo’s culture and values – reinforcing our strategy to invest in our people and grow responsibly.

More information:

To learn more about Mondi’s ‘Living the Good Life’ campaign and approach to the Good Life Goals, please contact Susan Brunner.  

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